12 Aug 2009
When we consider the long history of the federal-tribal relationship and how that relationship utterly devastated Native people – spiritually, psychologically, and economically – one must never forget the lessons learned at their expense. In the early years of the federal-tribal relationship government policy decisions were actually active attempts to reshape, mold, and transform Native people into what law-makers viewed as a more civilized and acceptable race. In today’s world these historic efforts would be called social engineering
Social engineering is the term used for governments that intentionally manipulate and control the environment in such a way as to gradually shape the beliefs, assumptions, behaviors, and eventually the lifestyles of populations targeted by their efforts.
In psychological terms this is called conditioning. Conditioning is the science of establishing and controlling conditions surrounding a person or persons so as to shape their self-perceptions, attitude, and behavior.
Through the implementation of a series of federal policies dating back to the 1700’s the United States government contrived and manipulated a variety of situations in their efforts to assimilate Native people into the general American population. Their ultimate goal was to transform Native people into their perception of a civilized race. One aspect of this initiative called for Native children to be forcibly removed from their families and communities and to be placed in boarding schools far from their tribal territories.
When parents resisted the government’s demands to let their children go to boarding schools, federal officials threatened to cut off the family’s existing provisions – food, housing, clothing, etc. – provisions that were part of their tribe’s treaty agreements with the United States of America. Because most parents had younger children still at home they gave-in and allowed their older children to be taken hundreds of miles away to designated boarding schools.
By believing the promise of the federal government to meet their needs for survival – as a stipulation within treaty agreements – the tribes became dependant upon the U.S. government. The tribe’s dependency on the government made them vulnerable to federal policy-makers who sunk their hooks even deeper into Native societies to gain even greater control. Once government agents had their children – sort of as hostages – they knew Native people would dare not rise up to oppose nor in any way disagree with Washington’s demands. Essentially, the U.S. government’s promises of provision set a trap for Native populations to come under uncontested control.
In the same manner the promise of affordable health care for every U.S. citizen is also a trap. A trap by elitists behind and within the current administration who believe they know what is best for you. It is a trap that will give the government immense power to leverage control over the masses. If the general population disagrees with a particular government idea or action, federal lawmakers will cut off your health care or other social programs to help you adjust your perspective to see things their way. By meeting most, if not all, of your most basic needs, the government places itself in a powerful position, giving itself the ability to hold you or your children hostage until you agree with what they believe is best for you and your family.
Once the government has families under the umbrella of universal health care and has gained control, their next step will be to pass legislation requiring you to release your children to their care. After all they claim to know what is best for you and your children. And if you refuse to comply or put up a fuss they will threaten to cut off your health care or other governmentally provided services or programs. Sound familiar.
So we all need to learn a lesson from what happened to North America’s Native people. After approximately 231 years of broken promises, promises that were supposed to bring hope and change, the Native people are still the most poverty-stricken ethnic group in America. And poverty is only the beginning of a long list of social and psychological ills that continue to afflict and devastated Native populations.
Remember the sequence for Native people – the impulsion of their economy – promise of health care and other provisions – dependency on government – then forced and predatory educational policies. The end of all this has been generations of suffering, misery, and poverty with no immediate end in sight.