When Jesus was born the angel and a multitude of heavenly hosts praised God and declared:
“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
(Luke 2:14)
The birth of Jesus ushered in the divine opportunity for all of mankind to have access to the God of glory and to all His heavenly resources. Through His Son Jesus Christ God the Father has made a way for humanity to experience the joyous pleasures of heaven in the earth realm.
The angels were prophetically declaring that through His newly born Son God was going to make available – among many other things – a quality of peace indescribable and incomprehensible to the minds of men. It is a peace that so transcends man’s understanding we are not able to assess its dimensions. It is a peace that originates from within God Himself and until Jesus Christ has been utterly unattainable.
This is one of the many reasons the angels were rejoicing. That now through the birth of God’s only begotten Son mankind could get a little taste of heaven. Now mankind could experience what the angels were fully engulfed by when they stood in the throne room of God – a peace that is beyond description and overwhelming in experience.
This is the same peace Jesus later spoke of to His first disciples. He told them He was giving them His peace – a peace that is quite unlike the peace the world had to offer. In comparison, the peace of God is very distinct from the peace of the world.
The peace of God is based upon and rooted in His nature, character, values, and principles of truth. Whereas the peace of the world emanates from the heart of man and the influences of a world system governed by dark powers. The peace of the world is based upon the nature, needs, values, and strategies that originate within the fallen heart of man.
The peace of God comes with a revelation of His very presence. It comes with a profound sense of who God is as the Almighty Everlasting One and issues forth a renewed reverence of His person and power. This revelation is called the fear of the Lord. The peace of God is associated with His great love for His creation and serves as one of the foundational features of His everlasting kingdom (Rom. 14:17).
In comparison, the peace that man offers is held hostage by the fear of man (Prov. 29:25). It is a peace generated from the inner chambers of man’s self-centered heart – which God says is “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it” (Jer. 17:9). As consequence of being majorly influenced by the fear of man any peace produced from this tainted source will always result in situations, systems, and scenarios that ultimately entrap its participants in varying degrees of deception.
Such is the peace being promoted in our nation and world today. It is a peace that originates outside the parameters of God’s dominion. It is a peace that demands unhealthy tolerance, permitting perverted sexual behavior, accepting the abnormal as normal, endorsing and legalizing lawlessness, and is more than willing to appease or negotiate with groups that promote terror and violence. This kind of peace calls for sensitivity to cultural customs and systems that contradict and insult God’s nature and character and requires strict adherence to denying the truth through political correctness.
The truth of the matter is any idea, thought, plan or initiative not birthed by God’s Holy Spirit is illegitimate. According to the Supreme Court of the Universe, over which the Judge of all the heavens and earth presides, anything not birthed by His Spirit is illegal. If He did not conceive it and birth it – then it is not His – it doesn’t belong to Him. If He did not birth it – then He is not responsible to bring it to fruition.
Therefore, the peace of man – which has been birthed from the heart and ideals of fallen humanity – is illegitimate or illegal. It is a peace which holds no merit and will never last. Since the primary realm in which man operates is temporal – anything he initiates will only be temporary.
However, the peace associated with God is founded in righteousness and promises prosperity for those who embrace it. God’s peace settles the troubled heart and smothers the life out of fear. It is a peace that transports its participants to a place of overcoming spiritual strength and stamina. It is a peace that paves the way for joy to burst forth and for faith to arise.
It is a peace reflective of the One who created us, loves us, saves us, blots out our transgressions, forgives all our iniquities, does not remember our sin, heals and delivers us, redeems our life from destruction, surrounds us with lovingkindness and tender mercies, and satisfies our spirit with good things (Isa.43:25/Ps.103:3-5).
It is no wonder the angels were rejoicing! Through Jesus Christ God not only issued His peace into the earth realm, but He also initiated a way to demonstrate His good will to all who would receive and embrace the immeasurable goodness and grace pouring forth from His heart.
For those of us that have access to the heart of our loving heavenly Father – who have access to His peace that passes understanding – we too can rejoice with His angels – for through Jesus Christ – He made a way for His good will toward men – to be released to us – and through us – not only in this Christmas season, but all year long.
May God richly bless you this Christmas season and throughout the coming New Year as you endeavor to pursue His peace and make His good will known to men.