April 19, 2014
Dear friends,
We thank God for all of you for your prayer and financial support. Your partnering with us makes trips like this not only possible, but successful. In the end it’s all about advancing God’s kingdom.
Rochester, New York
We had a most precious time with Al and Kacey Hauk in Rochester. Ivan had really powerful messages when he spoke at Shepherd’s Heart on Saturday evening and at Emilio and Lucy Sebastian’s Jubilee Christian Church on Sunday morning.
We walk alongside Al and Kacey as advisors for their ministry, which is called Friend of God Ministry. They also oversee Shepherds Heart Christian Fellowship, and do apostolic outreach to the nations.
The Sebastian’s, who pastor a church in Clarkson, New York are newfound friends for us. We all have the same spiritual DNA in regard to the mobilizing for intercession and prophetic prayer work.
Please pray for these couples and the great kingdom advances they are making for Christ in the Rochester area. We were blessed to have down time and awesome fellowship with all of them before heading up to Canada for our mission trip to the Oneida Nation.
Oneida Nation, Canada
Where do we start? Let’s say we are thoroughly excited! God is definitely doing something in Ivan’s home community! There is a mighty heritage there as the Oneida were almost totally Christian before the end of the Revolutionary War. We have been asking God to re-dig that well, and after years of praying we are seeing cracks in the wall the enemy had erected.
The change began about three years ago, after we, along with a group of Oneida spiritual leaders, did prayer work on the land. Since that time there has been a steady shift in the atmosphere and a regular influx of people coming to Christ.
Several of Ivan’s family members have come to accept the Lord, and in December, Ivan prayed with his sister for salvation. She has become a little evangelist---dragging other family members into church.
In three and a half months she has learned more about spiritual warfare than some Christians have learned in a lifetime. Her very spiritual and physical survival has required it of her. She lives on a community where the spiritual opposition is intense and could be overwhelming if she had no support. Ivan has been on the phone praying with her and training her on an almost weekly basis.
His sister coming to Christ is a major thing. She was strongly involved in the traditional religion of the Oneida people – as are a majority of the community, including most of Ivan’s family. The whole community knows she is now a Christian. She is really hungry for God!
This trip, we took her to pray on the land with us, as we went out and claimed more territory for Christ. We now have several family members—former traditionalists-- wanting to come here to stay for healing and training! We only have one spare bedroom and we are using our basement as a training room. We need our ministry and healing center quickly Lord!
•Please pray for the needed monies to come in so we can purchase the site desperately needed for the Healing Center.
Also we are seeing in Canada, Muslim men targeting First Nations women for marriage in order to establish themselves here in North America. We prayed with a very vulnerable family member to be free from such a relationship. Because of the historical victimization by the government and the church, Native people can be more vulnerable to predatory people— especially the women.
• Please pray for all of Oneida Nation to come to the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ! Pray for resources and supplies to come in to help and support the work. We are looking to establish FNCM in some form – as a stable presence in the community.
• We have been working with an awesome couple – Carman and Kathy John – who have laid their hand to the plow and are walking with us to see healing and wholeness invade the Oneida community. Pray for them and Ivan’s sister so that they will prevail and stand strong. Pray for others to join them and that they will be strengthened quickly.
• The last meeting Ivan had was with a recently saved former traditionalist. He called and asked for a special meeting with Ivan. This man was full of questions about the truth of scripture and the traditional ways he had been taught. He was so hungry for the truth. Pray that this hunger will spread like wildfire throughout the Oneida Nation.
May 1-3
Aware that part of Ivan’s book focuses on the church-birthed Doctrine of Discovery and the grave spiritual consequences of the doctrine, we have been asked to attend a 3- day consultation conference in Maryland in early May. Ivan has been asked to share his research and thoughts on this major issue in Church history.
It seems God is putting His finger on this major issue and is awakening other leaders in the body of Christ to its implications.
May 10-19
Wounded Knee, SD – Mission trip to provide ministry training and do prayer work among the Oglala Lakota people.
May 24
St. Louis Regional workshop-Review of Understanding and Breaking Generational Curses
June 21
St. Louis Regional workshop—Understanding and Activating Your God Given Gifts
Late July – early August
Oneida Nation Canada and North East (dates and other sites to be determined)
September 8-15
Wounded Knee, SD – Return visit to reinforce and support Pastor Hollowhorn and God’s work in the community.
September 16-20
Rapid City- Native Leadership Conference