Throughout its history the church has continually broken the third commandment by violating God’s word over and over again, while at the same time claiming to represent Lord to the unbelieving nations. Because of the church’s sins against the lost nations, multitudes view our God as an evil being and refuse to honor or respect Him, His name, and His power.
Therefore, the church must repent for:
Assisting the devil by giving him a place – through our sins and transgressions – and our spiritual father’s sins and transgressions – to have legal footing where he could then promote and advance evil in the earth – and use his efforts to stymie, obstruct, and neutralize the church’s power and influence in the earth.
Giving Satan the leverage to empower movements that promote the legitimacy of sinful and godless behavior – giving him the ability to sway and transform mindsets so that humanity ignores the validity and truthfulness of God’s word –
Paving the way – through the church’s own past ungodly behavior – for Satan to have the ammunition to slander and blasphemy God’s name and reputation – and to point to God as a notorious person, to paint Him as villain – to generate and promote contempt for God and those that truly represent Him in the earth – to twist, distort, and slant the narrative so that God’s people – along with what they say and believe – is cast in a negative light –
Misrepresenting God our Father – especially towards the lost – causing the Lord’s name to become worthless, to have little value, and to have little to no influence or authority among the unbelieving –
So damaging God’s name and reputation that the unbelieving would rather embrace a lie than consider the truth of God’s word –
Turning the unbelieving away from the salvation that can only be found in Jesus Christ – causing many to return to traditional belief systems that involve occult rituals and ceremonies – which draw them deeper into Satan’s webs of captivity – in a very real sense placing stumbling blocks in the path of those who might be seeking the Lord –
Abusing – physically, emotionally, sexually, spiritually and psychologically – thousands of native children during the Indian Boarding School years – especially the vast amount of sexual abuse perpetrated upon innocent children, both among native and other ethnic groups – thus paving the way for the evil one to promote and advance homosexual behavior as normal acceptable behavior –
Any past or current attitudes, behaviors, actions, and lifestyles that have positioned the church to be an enemy of God – renouncing all such behaviors and instead turning to carry out true justice initiatives that demonstrate genuine repentance – also renouncing any and all past adversarial activities – that would undermine God’s authority (Ps. 139:20).
Sowing the seed – through lawless and ungodly behavior – which brought distain, dishonor, and contempt for God’s name and reputation – and activating the woes of God to eventually come upon His church and the world we live in (Matt. 18:7).
First Nations Restoration Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible. All content on this site belongs to Ivan and Linda Doxtator unless otherwise noted. Do not use any content without direct permission.