In concluding this chapter let me say that there is one last consequence that we’ve not yet examined. It has to do with establishing Satan’s throne through illegitimate justice. The final chapter of this book will be dedicated to this subject. However, as we have done in preceding chapters we leave you with several prayer points to consider. We hope they help generate even more intensive intercession for the church, our nation, and the world.
As a church we should repent for:
- Hardening our hearts and refusing to hear and respond to God’s call to establish true justice in the earth beginning here in North America – for stopping up our ears and closing our hearts and minds in our efforts to shut out the prompting of God’s Holy Spirit –
- Refusing to look at, or even consider what executing true justice might require of us personally – for becoming fearful and anxious of God requiring of us some things that we may not want to give up – for fearing what it may cost us to obediently follow-up on executing God’s directive to carry out initiatives – that would implement true justice – in America and beyond –
- Guarding a lifestyle or pattern of living that could be threatened by God’s call to do true justice – for making that lifestyle or pattern of living more important than responding to God’s call –
- Deceiving ourselves into thinking that the things of this world belong to us – for failing to recognize that everything belongs to God – the gold, the silver, the land, the air, our bodies, etc. – that everything belongs to God and that everything we have and use – is a gift from God – even our health and earning power are gifts from Him –
- Allowing the spirit of fear to overwhelm us – and thus allowing Satan to intimidate us into refusing to respond to God’s call to establish true justice – for permitting the spirit of fear to cause us to blind our eyes, deafen our ears, numb our minds, suppress our thoughts – to use all forms of alternate activities to blot out the sound of God’s call to do true justice –
- Not having or displaying mercy and true justice towards those people groups that our spiritual fathers and ancestors helped to dispossess, plunder, massacre, maim, assault, wound, to sexually, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually abuse and traumatize – for ignoring them, minimizing their plight, and allowing those groups to endure generations of poverty and hopelessness with little if any hope that the future might be better –
- For joining with the federal government to implement ill-advised and lawless policies that humiliated, undermined, and suppressed the tribal people groups of North America – forcing them to give up their traditional homelands after imploding their economies – and rationing to them the most meager of resources – (food, blankets, and shelter) – trusting that they would eventually die off – and cease to serve as a living testimony before God of the great injustices rendered to them by the church and the federal government –
- Not allowing ourselves to become the holy nation spoken of by God – and allowing God’s mercy, faithfulness, anointing, and justice to flow through us – to deliver the captives, heal the broken-hearted, relieve the oppressed – to restore those our spiritual fathers and the federal government targeted for slaughter, plunder, disenfranchisement, marginalization, and poverty – within our own nation –
- Refusing to do true justice – simply because it would disrupt our world of temporal happiness and prosperity – for desperately holding unto the gifts and blessings of God – to keep them for ourselves – for being concerned for our own welfare – without considering how God desires to use our lives and resources to bless others –
- Losing our authority and ability to spiritually govern over God’s enemies because of our refusal or neglect of executing true justice in the name of Lord – to bring glory to His Holy Name – for not using the spiritual weapon of true justice to defeat God’s enemies –
- Opening the door for God’s judgments to fall upon our nation – because of ignoring or neglecting God’s mandates for executing true justice – for neglecting or ignoring our responsibilities as sons and daughters of God, as gatekeepers and stewards, as leaders in our churches and communities – to ensure that God’s mandates for true justice are actively were fulfilled –
- Not being the good Samaritan – for ignoring the Indigenous people – lying be the side of the road – having fallen among rubbers – lying half dead – stripped of their garments, their goods, their gifts, and their lands – for crossing over to the other side – and sending our missionary dollars across the oceans – to more exotic missions fields – where we thought the glory stories would be greater and more exciting to tell – for blinding our eyes and our senses to the brokenness, misery, and suffering of the Native populations of North America –
- Invading America as the first illegal immigrants – pushing our way onto the continent – using and stealing the resources of the original inhabitants – invading their neighborhoods and claiming them as our own – for rising up and murdering them when they resisted our takeover of their God appointed territories – for promoting and advancing lawlessness, tyranny, and injustice -
- Creating a spiritual vacuum by not establishing true justice – and thus giving Satan the opportunity to fill that vacuum with lawlessness and illegitimate justice – deceiving the world into embracing forms and systems of justice that are outside of and contrary to the word of God – thus, enabling Satan to be positioned to deceive the whole world – with his false accusations, narratives, and selective news reports –
© Copyright 2015 Ivan G. Doxtator