Is about the body of Christ coming together to mobilize in unified prayer to corporately Cry Out from the heart of the nation, asking God to save, heal and restore our Nation. 



      Doors Open : 8:30 AM

Sessions Begin : 9:00 AM 


Dear Friends

Ivan Doxtator's long-awaited book,  Justice & Judgement: Turning The Nation In Prayer is due for release through Amazon on Feb. 17, 2022. You may pre-order through Kindle. Paperback will release at midnight on Feb. 17th. 


First Nations Restoration Ministries

 Helping individuals, families and communities achieve their God-given  potential.

First Nations Restoration Ministries is a counseling, consulting, and equipping type ministry. FNRM's ultimate purpose is to see individuals, families and communities achieve their God-given potential. To this end FNRM strives to facilitate an environment where Spirit-inspired personal and community transformation can occur.

We are a prayer based ministry that works to bring about transformation and the restoration of people and communities. Our focus is “heal the people, heal the land.” We serve as a bridge between Native, African American, Latino, Chinese, and the Church at large in training them for spiritual warfare for our nation.

FNRM was founded in 1995 to specifically address the unique needs of North America's Indigenous populations. As a ministry organization we believe these needs require more therapeutic and innovative approaches to evangelism. Through our twenty-five plus years of experience in the field, we have found that most Indigenous people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, continually struggle to maintain the spiritual gains they have made.
 “The First Nations people are the foundation of this nation and can release the greatest blessing to all. 'First Nations' (our ministry) serves as a foundation to release healing and restoration to people, groups, and the nation. ”

Ivan's Blog

By Ivan Doxtator 13 Nov, 2017
While I hear many believers and ministries declaring that they are "here to glorify God" we often do not hear the specifics of how they plan to glorify God. There are many that repeat this mantra without realizing they may just be participating in speaking Christianese. It may sound good, but where's the beef? Just how are you going to glorify God? Jesus answers this question for us within His prayer to His heavenly Father. Just before His arrest and crucifixion, He prayed: "I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do." (Jn. 17:4) As believers we are all called to follow in Jesus' footsteps and glorify Our Father in heaven. With Jesus as our example, we too are to complete the work the Father has given us to do. The work the Father has given each one of us is key to knowing, understanding, and fulfilling our purpose in this life. For example, the Scriptures clearly say that Jesus' purpose was "to destroy the works of the devil." (1 Jn. 3:8) Jesus was a person of purpose. Through His works and His words during His earthly ministry and with His death on the cross Jesus fulfilled His purpose by utterly destroying the works of the devil. He completed the work His Father had given Him to do. Jesus clearly knew and understood the work His Father had given Him to do. Do you know the work God has called you to do? Knowing and understanding what He was called to do, Jesus walked out His life purpose. Do you know and understand your purpose in this life? If not, why not? If not, then what will it take for you to better know and understand the work God has given you to do? How is that work linked to your purpose? Seeking to answer these questions will shape and define your future and destiny. When do you plan to start?

Background Experience

Ivan and Linda Doxtator have worked extensively with Native American tribes, churches, ministries, and the church at large in the United States, Canada and internationally. They specialize in consulting, training, and development in the areas of mental health, crisis intervention, ministry and corporate leadership, marriage and family, and prayer and intercession. They are regular conference and seminar speakers with various groups at the national, regional, and local levels. They work with church and ministry leaders with organizational and leadership team development, ministry training, in-house prayer counseling, and community outreach. They work with entrepreneurs and business leaders to facilitate organizational development, enhanced human resource operations, and kingdom advancement in the marketplace. They work with tribal governments in developing mental health programs, crisis intervention teams, and appropriate follow-up services. 
Prayers For Personal Deliverance Booklet
church, clothing, ministry, jacket, first nations
Embroidered Jacket

Prayer Points

Praying to Protect the First Amendment

Read Points

Repentance Considerations – Doctrine of Discovery

Based upon the information presented in chapters one to three, which specifically relates to the Doctrine of Discovery, following are several points to consider when identifying with the sins of our spiritual fathers, standing in the gap, and repenting for their sins. 

Read Points

Church's Involvement with Manifest Destiny

The prayer points are based upon the Church’s involvement in the Manifest Destiny Doctrine – which began to surface in 1839. Manifest Destiny is associated with the Doctrine of Discovery’s integration into the laws of the United States with 1823 Supreme Court decision in the case of Johnson vs. McIntosh.

Manifest Destiny, coming from Doctrine of Discovery, was behind the slaughter of First Nations. The destruction of their food supplies, the theft of their land and impoverishment of entire tribal nations.

Read Points

Breaking the Third Commandment

Throughout its history the church has continually broken the third commandment by violating God’s word over and over again, while at the same time claiming to represent Lord to the unbelieving nations. Because of the church’s sins against the lost nations, multitudes view our God as an evil being and refuse to honor or respect Him, His name, and His power.

Read Points

First Nations People - Prayer Points

In concluding this chapter let me say that there is one last consequence that we’ve not yet examined. It has to do with establishing Satan’s throne through illegitimate justice. The final chapter of this book will be dedicated to this subject. However, as we have done in preceding chapters we leave you with several prayer points to consider. We hope they help generate even more intensive intercession for the church, our nation, and the world.

Read Points

African-American Healing Project

Read Points

Repentance for sins of the Church

As leaders and members of the Body of Christ we need to stand in the gap and repent for the sins of our spiritual fathers and leaders, both past and present.
Read Points

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